The 6 Domains of Emotional intelligence™

Your delivery system has 6 pieces:

What You Believe:


People with high self-regard develop better coping skills to adapt and respond to the challenges of life. They have the courage and confidence to reach their potential by resisting the opinions, criticisms, and limitations that others place on them. They can lead and influence others because they’re secure and accepting of who they are.

What You Believe:

Social Regard

Social regard enables deeper connection. It counters cynicism by reinforcing belief in human goodness. You can’t underestimate the power of the benefit of the doubt to encourage effective interaction. People are more willing to trust and open up when they feel genuinely cared for, leading with empathy inspires more kindness, and cooperative goodwill builds cohesion and inclusion.

What You Know:


Self-awareness is an acquired skill. It depends primarily on personal honesty, effort, and a willingness to make ongoing, small self-corrections. This type of humility will drastically improve your interactions. Without self-awareness, it’s impossible to improve yourself because you don’t know where you are.

What You Know:

Social Awareness

Social awareness allows you to interpret human dynamics accurately and respond constructively. People with high social awareness have the skills to build and sustain strong relationships and collaborate with others effectively. They have a greater appreciation for others and their contributions, and have a higher tendency towards inclusivity.

What You Know:

Self Management

Self-management is a pattern of personal and professional success. All meaningful long-term goals require self-management in order to sustain effort and overcome challenges along the way. Self-management allows you to preserve and strengthen relationships in the midst of stress and succeed in a crisis situation without harming others.

What You Know:

Social Mangement

Social awareness allows you to interpret human dynamics accurately and respond constructively. People with high social awareness have the skills to build and sustain strong relationships and collaborate with others effectively. They have a greater appreciation for others and their contributions, and have a higher tendency towards inclusivity.

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Building emotional intelligence doesn’t happen at the theoretical level. It happens at the behavioral level.

The 6 Domains of Emotional Intelligence™

Engagements for every step of your rollout.

Build momentum with a highly visible pilot program.

Cohort Workshops
Keynotes and Events

Engage senior leadership with data-driven outcomes.

Tailored Executive Training Session
EQindex™ Assessment

Train your facilitators to scale The 6 Domains.

Train the Trainer
Not sure where to begin?

Your training enablement partner.

Training goes beyond any initial engagement. When you license The 6 Domains of Emotional Intelligence™, our team becomes an extension of yours. We’ve developed the roadmaps, facilitator guides, data analytics, and programming insights you’ll need to show senior leaders the measurable impact you have on your organization. It’s all available to you in the LeaderFactor TrainingHub™.

Measure human impact.

Identify your leaders' blind spots and hidden strengths with our multi-rater assessment. Use our action planning process to facilitate real behavior change and measurable improvement.

Develop organizational capability to interact effectively with others.