The 4 Stages Executive Session

Set the tone at the top.

Give your executive team an unforgettable training experience on psychological safety. Leave them equipped with the tools, insights and momentum to continue your cultural transformation. Get the buy-off you need to scale your initiative.

a mobile mock-up of the team survey challenger safety reporting

More Data-driven "aha!" Moments

It's not enough for executives to understand the concepts, they need to feel the impact of psychological safety on their teams and across the organization. Data does that.

Team Assessment

Discover data on their direct reports.

Global Benchmarks

Compare against global psych safety benchmarks.

Business Impact

Show correlation between key business outcomes.

Create a Shared Language and Understanding

Psychological safety is core business. Executives need to see the relationship between psychological safety and the bottom line. We'll make the connection and give them a shared language around psychological safety.

mobile mock up of the action plan for team roadmap

Transform Theory into Scalable Action

We use the momentum gained in The Executive Experience to propel forward lasting cultural change and immediate action for executives.

Action Plans

Leave with a personal 30-day action plan.

Clear Next Steps

Clear plan for cultural transformation.

Built to Scale

A benchmark measurement that scales

What's Included inside the Executive Session Digital Workbook

This customizable half-day training is focused on giving your executives data-backed experiences that create clarity and alignment for your psychological safety initiative.

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small arrow pointing right
Psychological Safety Team Assessment

The executive team and their direct reports will take our 5-minute psychological safety assessment to benchmark the level of psychological safety on their teams.

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety Discovery Sessions

Led by Dr. Timothy R. Clark these discover sessions will create a shared language and understanding around what psychological safety is and what it is not.

Ladder of Vulnerability Self-Assessment

Vulnerability is a tricky term that requires definition, examples, and self-reflection. This practical assessment will show you what vulnerability is at work.

Personalized 30-day Action Plan

Executives will leave the session with a customized 30-day action plan based on the combination of their self-assessment and team assessment data.

A group of people meeting around the table with one person at the head.
Katie Klaus – Google
“It was engaging, meaningful, and a great starting point for our teams. Dr. Clark is a highly skilled communicator and speaker while remaining approachable and collaborative.”
Sabina Morgan-Richards – Avon
"With the efficacy of so many inclusion initiatives or behavioural interventions being difficult to measure, for me, what works well is the data-driven approach; the model is presented in a factual, practical, and interactive way. In piloting this with several teams, we have already used the 4 stages programme as a catalyst for change through at times uncomfortable, but powerful conversations."
Garry Browne – Nestle
"Our team appreciated the conscise and clear nature of delivery and the lovely balance between theory, research and actual, everyday behaviour."

Set the tone at the top.

Meet with a member of our team and talk about available dates and your unique company culture.

Book a Consultation
*The Availability of Dr. Timothy R. Clark is Limited