3D Interviews: 10 Questions That Aren't Cliche

We're talking about interview questions this week. Why? Because poor interview protocols are dangerous and inefficient. They decrease your chances of finding the right person to join your team. During the episode, Tim and Junior highlight the limitations of traditional interviews and give you 10 unique interview questions to help you improve your 3D interviewing skills. Some of these questions are kind of unconventional. But the concepts should help you create a more engaging and effective interview experience that will land you hires that you love.

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We're talking about interview questions this week. Why? Because poor interview protocols are dangerous and inefficient. They decrease your chances of finding the right person to join your team. During the episode, Tim and Junior highlight the limitations of traditional interviews and give you 10 unique interview questions to help you improve your 3D interviewing skills. Some of these questions are kind of unconventional. But the concepts should help you create a more engaging and effective interview experience that will land you hires that you love.


  • Traditional interview questions are often cliché and fail to elicit meaningful responses.
  • Asking real and thought-provoking questions can lead to more authentic and insightful conversations.
  • The interview process should focus on critical thinking, self-awareness, and the ability to reflect on past experiences.
  • It is important to continually refine the interview process to create a more engaging and effective experience.


00:00 Introduction and Importance of Interview Questions

01:23 Improving the Interview Process

06:24 The Limitations of Traditional Interviews

08:11 The Concept of 2D vs 3D Interviewing

09:08 The Impact of Personal Life on Work Life

10:31 The Importance of References

11:30 The Challenge of Resume Accuracy

14:03 The Problem with Rote Interview Questions

15:01 Question 1: What are you better at than anyone else within a mile of this room?

18:39 Question 3: What don't you know that you wish you knew?

21:07 Question 4: How would your enemies describe you?

21:36 Question 5: How far away is the future?

23:03 Question 6: You're the president of the country and you get impeached. Why?

23:31 Question 7: What's something that you know for sure?

24:00 Question 8: Tell me about the last time you spent your own money to learn something new

36:24 Question 9: What's the first thing a team member would complain about when working with you?

41:13 Question 10: What character in a popular film or book are you most like?

51:40 Continually Refining the Interview Process

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Episode Transcript

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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