April 4, 2022
"If you're not doing relationships right, you're not doing life right" this week Timothy R. Clark interviews Kenny Luck founder of Every Man Ministries and ECPA platinum award winning author of 24 books. Together they discuss connecting in a post-pandemic virtual world and the importance of getting your relationships right.
This week Timothy R. Clark interviews Kenny Luck founder of Every Man Ministries and ECPA platinum award winning author of 24 books. Together they discuss connecting in a post-pandemic virtual world and the importance of getting your relationships right. Here are a few takeaways from this episode:
Human beings are created and engineered to be known.
People want to bring their whole selves to their work. They don't want to bring parts of themselves. No one likes to live compartmentalize because human beings are created and engineered to be known. If we're forced to hide parts of ourselves, you're not getting the full capacity and potential of a person.
Ask the second question.
Connecting with someone requires that you ask "the second question". It's not about "how are you doing today" it's about "how are you really doing today". Get to know your team members and find out what their passions are. In many companies, there's an intersection between the passions of employees and their employer.
We all need connection.
90% of the people that you meet are wrestling with some big challenge. When you just ask a simple question that you're thinking inside that applies to everyone, and you say it out loud, you discover that there is this reservoir of willingness to engage. We all need to connect with each other. The pandemic has give the world a shared traumatic experience and opened us up to connect.
"Be a golden ruler."
There are certain principles that transcend what's right, and to transcend bias effectively, you have to serve another person without expectation of reciprocity. When you can wade past all of the noise and past all of the cultural movements and see a human beings as they are you will recognize many opportunities to serve.
Authentic over Synthetic
People want authentic experiences and they want to be their authentic selves. The distinction is between authentic and synthetic, between the real thing and a knockoff of it. Being synthetic is safe but it's not fulfilling or satisfying. Being authentic is vulnerable but the rewards are great if we can get past our fear of being known.
About Kenny Luck
Kenny Luck is the Lead Pastor of Ministries at Crossline Church in Laguna Hills, California. He is the Founder of Every Man Ministries, an ECPA Platinum award-winning author of 24 books covering marriage, family, and men's issues. His most recent b0ooks for men include Dangerous Good and Failsafe. In 2022 he will be touring with Jesus Culture and Hillsong United for the Dangerous Good City Transformation Tour in partnership with A-21 and Capital Records to reach and activate men in their local cities, raise awareness, and reduce demand in the fight against sexual slavery.
Kenny has been married to his wife Chrissy for thirty-three years (in a row). They have raised three wonderful millennials (Cara, Ryan, and Jenna) and live in Southern California